
Crying and sleeping baby

Your baby cries a lot during the day and at night…

Your baby has colic or is spitting up.

She’s not sleeping much.

You’ve run out of ways to calm and soothe her!

What method should you use? Cradle her, walk with her, put her in the car…use the 5-10-15 Method, let her cry, pick her up, or keep her in your bed…

You’re feeling helpless!You’re exhausted after endless days and nights of listening to your baby crying.
In the first month, you blame it on yourself thinking “It’ll pass!”

After two, three, five or more months with a baby who cries a lot, won’t sleep at night for more than 90 minutes at a time, even when taking turns with the father…you finally just lose it. 

You can’t figure out what your baby needs anymore; you’re lost.You’re suffering and no one can understand what you’re going through. Even worse, you feel judged.

Babies who cry all the time destroy the mother, the family, the couple…no one should have to live like that.

Then there’s everything you’ve read, what people tell you, what you thought you knew, what society dictates, and what everyone around you seems to be saying. Moms can quickly start feeling lost with all the conflicting information. 

You’re feeling disoriented…

You feel like you can’t handle it and you’re not a good mom.

Yet you’ve tried everything!
You’ve consulted tons of doctors, osteopaths and specialists. You’ve scoured the Internet, forums and Facebook groups for solutions…

Through all the fatigue, sometimes you haven’t done the right things or adopted the right attitude with your baby.

One thing is sure: having a baby that cries a lot is not the end of the world!

Withmy method “Understanding and Soothing Your Baby’s Cries”,

you’ll be able to understand why your baby is crying, and finally be able to soothe and comfort her!

You will learn how to:

• Decipher your baby’s cries

• Calm and relieve your baby’s acid reflux and colic

• Feel truly reassured 

• Be much less tired

• Feel genuinely guided and supported 

• Regain your self-confidence

Let’s face it, every baby is different.

• A baby’s history starts in the womb
• Every birth is unique
• Every baby lives in a different family environment • They all have different family experiences

• Emotional and physical development are closely linked

• How can you tell what the cries mean and learn what your baby is really thinking?

Every baby and every family have their quirks.

I offer guidance so you can figure out what is making your baby cry.

Personalized guidance can truly help you and address your baby’s specific needs.

Moms and babies are in perfect sync, especially in the first nine months of life.

My only goal is to reassure you, support you, and give you the personalized tips that you and your baby need.

I can promise that living with your baby will be a different experience!

Many moms with babies who cry a lot and have acid reflux, colic, and sleep problems have already trusted me to regain their independence with their baby.

See their testimonials on the website

If you need reassurance, guidance, and answers to your questions, make an appointment with me now.

Testimonials moms

“Hey there, I’m Candice, mom of two wonderful kids; Léa is three and a half, and Éthan is seven months old. I was lucky enough to have a perfect pregnancy, and I have a cheery disposition, but despite some minor slumps I’ve always said that it’ll pass. To make a long story short, despite everything, I ...
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“Hello, I did what you advised, and this afternoon my little guy drank his first 100 ml bottle. I’m so relieved. He really had us guessing, lol. Thank you so much!!! I am over the moon.”
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“Thanks so much for your reassuring message.
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