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Moms Favorite Videos

Breastfeeding to feeding with formula
Self-administered and walking epidurals.
Childbirth: How do you choose the right birthing center?
Baby crying: the baby’s reflux
Covid-19, childbirth, and breastfeeding.
Crying babies: Two ways to sooth your baby.
Infant development: the five senses at birth.
What are the signs of the baby blues? How do I avoid having the baby blues?
The father’s role during pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth.
Breastfeeding: do I have enough milk?
How to become a mom: my baby cries a lot and sleeps little.
Childbirth: what are the phases of childbirth? The phases of childbirth.
How do you manage pain from contractions?
10 superfoods to eat while pregnant.
Your childbirth plan.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): what milk should you give your baby?
At what age should kids have a security blanket?
Preserving your eggs: A René Frydman interview.
Should you give your baby a pacifier?
Sex during pregnancy: can we make love while I’m pregnant?
Thumb or pacifier?
A calm baby!
Babytalk: how to speak to your baby.
Nursing the newborn.
The right diet during pregnancy: magnesium.
Chapped nipples: how to prevent chapped nipples while nursing.
Your baby’s acid reflux: my tips on soothing baby’s cries.
Mother’s milk or formula?
Your baby’s first time nursing.
The right diet during pregnancy: vitamin B9.
Leaving the birthing center early.
What’s the best way to prepare for childbirth?
How to carry and hold your baby.
Advice back from motherhood: baby crying, don’t panic!
Nighttime crying and tantrums: how do you handle night crying?
Preparing for underwater childbirth.
How to wean your baby off breastfeeding: from nursing to bottle-feeding.
Preparing for childbirth: relaxation.
The right foods during pregnancy: what about iodine?
Omega 3 and pregnancy: eating well while pregnant
Nutrition: five mistakes women make during pregnancy.
Does an epidural hurt?
Your newborn’s sleep patterns.
Music to relax you, and music to play during childbirth.
Good advice if your baby cries a lot!
A must-see tip to follow in the birthing center to prevent nighttime crying!
Haptonomy: an incredible experience!
My advice for easy childbirth
Back pain during pregnancy.
Great advice for babies who cry a lot!
Breastfeeding: How to decide to breastfeed?
How do you handle contractions at the birthing center?
Pregnancy sophrology (stress reduction): when and how do you start sophrology?
Yoga: preparing for a Zen childbirth.
Breastfeeding? How do I decide whether to breastfeed?
Tips for coming home from the hospital: don’t sweat your baby’s cries!
The right diet during pregnancy.
Nutrition while pregnant: what are the right foods to eat?
The first signs of childbirth, mucous plug and contractions
Co-sleeping: yes or no? My co-sleeping experience!
Oméga 3 and pregnancy : eating well during pregnancy