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Legal Notice

Client: Any professional or able natural person as defined in Articles 1123 et seq. of the French Civil Code, or legal person, that visits the Website specified in the General Terms herein.
Services Provided: https://virginiezerah.com provides its Clients:

Content: All the elements that constitute the information on this Website, specifically text, images and videos.

Client information: Hereafter referred to as “Information,” which is all the personal data that may be kept by https://virginiezerah.com to manage your account and customer relations, and for analytical and statistical purposes.

User: The Internet user who logs in to/uses the aforementioned website.

Personal information: “Information in any format whatsoever that directly or indirectly enables the identification of the natural persons whom it concerns (Article 4 of French Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978).

The terms “personal data,” “data subject,” processor” and “sensitive data” are defined as specified in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: No. 2016-679)


In accordance with Article 6 of French Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, users of the Website https://virginiezerah.com are hereby informed of the names of the parties involved in its production and monitoring:

Owner: Auto-entrepreneur Crazover Virginie Sarah Madeleine Berthe Siret no.: 829 837 012 00014 – 7, rue Delabordere 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
Director of publication: Virginie Zerah – virginiezerah@virginiezerah.com
The director of publication is a natural or legal person.
Webmaster: Virginie Zerah – virginiezerah@virginiezerah.com
Hosted by: ovh – 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix 1007
Data protection officer: Virginie Zerah – virginiezerah@virginiezerah.com


The Website is an intellectual work protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Law and applicable international regulations. The Client is not permitted to personally reuse, distribute, or profit from all or part of the information or work on this Website.

Use of the website https://virginiezerah.com implies the full acceptance of the General Terms of Use set forth below. These terms of use may be modified or supplemented at any time; therefore, users of https://virginiezerah.com should check the website regularly.

This website is normally available to users at all times. Interruptions due to technical maintenance may occur at the discretion of https://virginiezerah.com, which shall strive to give users prior warning with the dates and times of the operations. The website https://virginiezerah.com is updated regularly by the https://virginiezerah.com manager. Similarly, the Legal Notice may be modified at any time; however, users are responsible for informing themselves of these changes by checking the site as often as possible.


The purpose of the website https://virginiezerah.com is to provide information about all of the company’s activities. https://virginiezerah.com strives to provide information on https://virginiezerah.com that is as accurate as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies, or missing information in updates, whether or not the fault lies with the website or the third-party partners that provide it this information.

All of the information on the website https://virginiezerah.com is for informational purposes and is subject to change. Moreover, the information provided on the website https://virginiezerah.com is not exhaustive. It is subject to any amendments that may have been introduced since it was put online.


This website uses JavaScript. The website shall not be held liable for any material damages resulting from using the website. In addition, users of the website agree to access the site using up-to-date computer hardware that does not contain any viruses, and an up-to-date new-generation browser. The website https://virginiezerah.com is hosted by a service provider located in the European Union in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: No. 2016-679)

The objective is to provide a service that offers the highest rate of accessibility. The web host provides this service 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Nevertheless, it reserves the right to suspend hosting services for certain periods of time, specifically to perform maintenance, improve its infrastructures, correct infrastructure malfunctions, or if the Services provided generate traffic deemed abnormal.

https://virginiezerah.com and the web host cannot be held liable for any malfunctions of the Internet, telephone lines, or computer/telephone equipment, particularly due to network congestion that blocks access to the server.


https://virginiezerah.com owns the intellectual property rights, and holds the user rights for all the elements on the website, namely text, images, graphic designs, logos, videos, icons, and audio. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or any of the elements on the website, whatever the method or process used, it prohibited without prior written authorization from: https://virginiezerah.com.

Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the items it contains shall be deemed to constitute an infringement and subject to legal proceedings in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Law.


https://virginiezerah.com is the publisher of the website. https://virginiezerah.com is responsible for the quality and accuracy of the Content that it publishes.

https://virginiezerah.com cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damages caused by the user’s device when accessing the website https://virginiezerah.com or arising from either the use of a device that does not meet the specifications cited in Item 4, or for any computer bugs or incompatibility.

https://virginiezerah.com can also not be held liable for indirect damages (i.e., loss of business or opportunity) resulting from using the website https://virginiezerah.com. Interactive sections (ability to ask questions on the Contact page) are provided for users. https://virginiezerah.com reserves the right without prior notification to delete any content entered in these sections that violates applicable law in France, specifically the provisions on data protection. Where applicable, https://virginiezerah.com also reserves the right to hold the user civilly and/or criminally liable, particularly for messages of a racist, abusive, defamatory, or pornographic nature, regardless of the format (text, photographs, etc.).


The Client is hereby informed of the regulations governing marketing communications, French Law of June 21, 2014 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, the French Data Protection Act of August 6, 2004, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: No. 2016-679).


The data controller in charge of collecting personal data for the purposes of creating a personal user account and browsing the Website is: Crazover Virginie Sarah Madeleine Berthe. https://virginiezerah.comis represented by Virginie Zerah, its legal representative

As the data controller, https://virginiezerah.com agrees to comply with the legal provisions in force. In particular, it is responsible for explaining to the Client the purposes for which data are processed, and providing its prospects and clients, after obtaining their consent, complete information on how their personal data are processed, and keeping an accurate record of processing activities. Every time that https://virginiezerah.com processes personal data, https://virginiezerah.com makes every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the personal data with regard to the purposes for which https://virginiezerah.com is processing them.


https://virginiezerah.com may process all or part of the data to:

  • Enable browsing on the Website, and manage the traceability of the services requested by the user: login and Website usage data, billing, order history, etc.
  • Prevent and fight against computer fraud (spamming, hacking, etc.): the computer device used to browse the site, IP address, password (hashed), etc.
  • Improve Website browsing: login and usage data
  • Conduct voluntary satisfaction surveys on  https://virginiezerah.com: email address
  • Conduct marketing campaigns (texts, email): telephone number, email address

https://virginiezerah.com does not sell your personal data. Data are only used as required or for statistical/analytical purposes.


In compliance with the European regulations in force, Users of https://virginiezerah.com have the following rights:

  • The right to access (Article 15 GDPR), correct (Article 16 GDPR), update, and complete User data, as well as the right to block or erase personal User data (Article 17 GDPR), if the data are inaccurate, incomplete, questionable, outdated, or forbidden from being collected, used, shared, or stored.
  • The right to withdraw consent at any time (Article 13-2c GDPR)
  • The right to restriction of processing of User data (Article 18 GDPR)
  • The right to object to processing of User data (Article 21 GDPR)
  • The right to data portability that Users provide when this data is processed by automated means based on consent or a contract (Article 20 GDPR)
  • The right to determine what is done with User data upon their death, and to choose the previously designated third-party to whom https://virginiezerah.com must send (or not send) their data.

When https://virginiezerah.com is informed of a User’s death, and the User has not left any instructions, https://virginiezerah.com agrees to destroy their data, unless it proves necessary to save it for evidentiary purposes or to comply with a legal obligation.

Should a User wish to know how https://virginiezerah.com uses their personal data, request to rectify it, or object to its processing, the User may contact https://virginiezerah.com in writing at the following address:

Crazover Virginie Sarah Madeleine Berthe – Auto-entrepreneur, Virginie Zerah
7, rue Delabordere 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine.

In this letter, the User must indicate the personal data they would like https://virginiezerah.com to correct, update, or delete, and accurately identify themselves with a copy of their ID (national ID card or passport).

Requests to delete personal data are subject to the obligations imposed upon https://virginiezerah.com by law, specifically in terms of saving or storing documents. Lastly, Users of https://virginiezerah.com may submit a claim with supervisory authorities, namely the CNIL (https://www.cnil.fr/fr/plaintes).


https://virginiezerah.com is prohibited from processing, hosting, or transferring the information it collects about its Clients within or to a country that is outside the European Union or recognized as offering an “inadequate” level of data protection by the European Union without informing the Client beforehand. However, https://virginiezerah.com is free to select technical and marketing subcontractors on the condition they provide adequate guarantees with regard to the requirements in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: No. 2016-679).

https://virginiezerah.com agrees to take every necessary precaution to keep the information secure, specifically by ensuring that is not be shared with any unauthorized persons. Nevertheless, should an incident affecting the integrity or confidentiality of the Client’s information is brought to the attention of https://virginiezerah.com, the latter must inform the Client as soon as possible and indicate the corrective measures taken. In addition, https://virginiezerah.com does not collect any “sensitive data.”

The User’s Personal Data may be processed by subsidiaries of https://virginiezerah.com and subcontractors (service providers), solely to achieve the purposes this policy.

Within the limits of their respective responsibilities and for the purposes cited above, the primary people likely to have access to the User data on https://virginiezerah.com are mainly our customer service agents.


Regardless of the efforts made, no online transmission or electronic storage method is completely secure. Consequently, we cannot guarantee absolute security. If we become aware of a security breach, we will alert the users affected so they may take the appropriate measures. Our incident notification procedures include compliance with our legal obligations, both in France and in Europe. We agree to keep our clients fully informed of any security-related issues and to provide them the information they need so they may meet their own regulatory reporting obligations.

No personal information on users of the website https://virginiezerah.com is published without the user’s knowledge, nor is it exchanged, transferred, assigned, or sold on any third-party platform whatsoever. Only in the event that https://virginiezerah.com and its rights are sold would said information be permitted to be transferred to the buyer, which would in turn be bound by the same obligations relative to storing and modifying user-related data on the website https://virginiezerah.com.


To ensure the security and confidentiality of Personal Data and Personal Health Data, https://virginiezerah.com uses networks that are protected by standard protocols such as firewalls, pseudonymization, encryption, and passwords.

When processing Personal Data, https://virginiezerah.com takes all reasonable measures to protect them from any loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.


The website https://virginiezerah.com contains a number of hyperlinks that direct to other websites and which have been installed with the authorization of https://virginiezerah.com. However, https://virginiezerah.com is not able to verify the content of the websites visited and does not assume any responsibility as a result.

You agree that the Website can use these cookies unless you choose to disable them. You may disable these cookies at any time at no charge using the opt out options provided to you and reiterated below. Please note that opting out may limit or block your access to all or part of the Services offered on the Website.


A cookie is a small data file sent over the User’s browser that is stored on the User’s device, such as a computer or smartphone (hereafter referred to as “Cookies”). This file contains information such as the User’s domain name, the User’s Internet service provider (ISP), the User’s operating system, and the time and date of access. Cookies never pose the risk of causing harm to the User’s device.

https://virginiezerah.com may process User data related to Website visits, such as pages viewed and searches performed. This information enables https://virginiezerah.com to improve Website’s content and the User’s browsing experience.

Since Cookies facilitate browsing and/or the provision of services offered on the Website, Users can change the settings on their browser to choose whether they want to accept them; Cookies are thus stored on their device or rejected, either every time or according to the issuer. Users can also set their browser software to accept or reject Cookies suggested to them from time to time before a Cookie is stored on their device. https://virginiezerah.com informs Users in these cases that not all functionalities may be available on their browser software.

If a User rejects Cookies on their device or browser, or if a User deletes saved Cookies, the User is informed that this may limit their browsing and Website experience This may also occur if https://virginiezerah.com or one of its service providers cannot recognize, due to technical compatibility issues, the type of browser the device is using, the language or display settings, or the country from which the device appears to be connecting.

Where applicable, https://virginiezerah.com disclaims all liability for any consequences related to the diminished operation of the website and any services provided by https://virginiezerah.com, due to (i) the User’s rejection of Cookies; (ii) the inability of https://virginiezerah.com to store or access the Cookies required for their operation due to the User’s decision. Each browser is configured differently to manage Cookies and User choices. This is explained in the browser’s help menu, which provides instructions on how Users can edit their Cookie settings.

Users may configure or change their Cookie settings at any time. https://virginiezerah.com may also use the services of third-party vendors to help collect and process the information specified in this section.

Lastly, by clicking on the icons for the social networks Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus that appear on the Website https://virginiezerah.com, or its mobile app, and if the User accepts Cookies by continuing to browse the https://virginiezerah.com website or mobile app, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus may also save Cookies on your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone).

These types of Cookies are only stored on your device if you give your consent by continuing to browse the https://virginiezerah.com website or mobile app. However, Users may withdraw their consent at any time to prevent https://virginiezerah.com from storing these types of cookies.


https://virginiezerah.com may, on occasion, use tags (also known as Web beacons, action tags, single-pixel GIFs, clear GIFs, invisible GIFs and 1×1 GIFs) and implement them via a partner specialized in Web analytics that may be located in a foreign country (and therefore store that information, including the User’s IP address).

These tags are inserted in online advertisements to enable user access to the Website, as well as in various website pages.

This technology allows https://virginiezerah.com to analyze visitor behavior on the Website and the efficacy of its actions (i.e. the number of times a page is visited and the information viewed), as well as the User’s use of the Website.

The outside service provider may collect data on visitors to the Website and other websites using these tags, compile Website activity reports for https://virginiezerah.com, and provide other services related to the use of the site and the Internet.


Any litigation relating to the use of the website https://virginiezerah.com is subject to French law. Barring any cases prohibited by law, jurisdiction shall be assigned to the competent courts of Paris.