
Breastfeeding and weaning

Breastfeeding is an amazing journey and a precious time for bonding!

Are you pregnant and want to get ready for breastfeeding?Do you need information so you can decide?

Successful breastfeeding depends on having the right information!

Are you breastfeeding your baby and need some support?
What’s the best position for nursing?

How do I check that my baby is suckling correctly?
How do I know if my baby has eaten enough?
Should I wake my baby up to eat?
How often should I feed my baby?
How do I heal chapped nipples?
How do I maintain lactation?
How can I wean my baby?

Do you have doubts or questions about deciding whether you should breastfeed your baby?Have you given birth but haven’t figured out breastfeeding yet?

Here are some questions you may have:

  • What should I know about breastfeeding?
  • Is nursing my baby more tiring than bottle-feeding?
  • If I breastfeed, how do I involve my partner?
  • How can I prepare to breastfeed my baby?
  • What’s the right way to position my baby on my breast?
  • How do I pump breast milk?
  • How does lactation work?
  • When do I breastfeed my baby?
  • How do I know when my baby has had enough milk?
  • What do I do if I don’t have enough milk?
  • What should I eat while nursing?
  • How do I handle breastfeeding and returning to work?
  • When and how do I wean my baby?
  • When do I give my baby a supplemental bottle?
  • How can I prevent chapped nipples?
  • How do I treat chapped nipples?
  • How can I prevent my baby’s infant reflux?

Testimonials moms

“You cheered me up!!!
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“Hello, I did what you advised, and this afternoon my little guy drank his first 100 ml bottle. I’m so relieved. He really had us guessing, lol. Thank you so much!!! I am over the moon.”
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“Virginie guided me through my first forays into being a mom. I couldn’t get my bearings since I didn’t have any experience with babies. Virginie helped me make breastfeeding a more relaxed experience, understand my son’s cries, better handle my surroundings, and she gave me the confidence to dea...
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