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Your baby’s expressions and vision

👶 Your Baby’s Eyes Are Wide Open at Birth! 👀✨

From the very first moments of life, your baby sees you, gazes at you, and craves your touch. 🤱💕 This is her first connection with the world around her.

🌟 She is captivated by your face, your mouth moving as you coo and comfort her. She watches you closely while nursing, and as she grows, she will look at you even more. This is a sacred moment of bonding between you and your baby.

🪞 You are your baby’s mirror. The way you look at her conveys your emotions—whether you are present and engaged or distracted. She senses it all.

🌿 Your Baby’s Alertness & Awareness

👀 When your baby visually reacts, it is closely linked to her state of awareness. She is most receptive to stimuliwhen in a state of “alert inactivity”—a moment of calm focus.

🍼 Right after feeding, this state is heightened:

Wide-open, gleaming eyes
Minimal movement
Steady breathing

👂 During this time, her visual and auditory perception is most active! Not all babies have the same attention span, but most newborns can only stay alert for about 5 minutes at a time, totaling less than 30 minutes per day in their first week.

💖 The Profound Impact of Eye Contact

👶 Your baby is especially drawn to your face while nursing. The closeness, the warmth, the eye contact—it all deepens your connection.

Even these brief yet powerful moments shape your baby’s development, strengthening emotional security, communication, and bonding. 🌟💞

Cherish these sacred moments—your gaze is your baby’s first language. 

1ere tétée

Choosing whether to breastfeed your baby:

🤱 Mother’s milk is indeed a wonderful gift you’re giving your baby.

Women ask themselves lots of questions when they start breastfeeding their baby:

❓ I just gave birth; why don’t I have any milk?
❓ Is my baby getting enough milk?
❓ Does my milk have enough nutrients for his growth?
❓ Will my baby gain enough weight on my milk?
❓ Should I weigh him to check?
❓ How long should I wait between feedings?

🍼 Called the colostrum, the first milk you produce is a genuine goldmine of goodness for your baby. 💛

If you have chosen not to breastfeed, at least try giving your baby this special gift 🎁 when he’s born with a welcome breastfeeding.
It will give you a chance to experience nursing, and may make you want to continue.

🦠 Colostrum is very high in bacteria that will protect your baby 🛡️ by boosting immunity at birth and helping flush out the first stool.
These good bacteria stay in the intestines and will protect him for life. 💪
This liquid is extremely rich in minerals and proteins ⚡ that will restore his strength after the tiring process of being born.

👩‍🍼 Moms, don’t overthink it: as soon as your baby is born, start breastfeeding with the help and advice of a midwife👩‍⚕️.
🏠 When you get back home, don’t hesitate to call upon a perinatal guide, coach, or lactation specialist 📞 who will give you lots of helpful tips for you and your baby.


💡 The Key to Breastfeeding is Support

🫂 You’ll need reassurance and good guidance, especially in the first few days and throughout the first few weekswith your baby.
🤱 A self-assured mom is a confident mom who feels at ease.

One of the most important things for successful breastfeeding is how calm the mother is. 🧘‍♀️💖

🧪 The hormone oxytocin is actually what makes the milk flow.
💺 Always remember to get into a comfortable position with your back propped up well with cushions, and put on some relaxing music 🎶 to help you unwind.


📞 I’m a lactation advisor 🤱, so don’t hesitate to contact me if you need guidance in those first precious days.

📝 A Testimonial from Vanessa, whom I helped with HypnoBirthing before supporting her with nursing:

💬 “And postpartum was a drastic change compared to my first baby. That followed the maternity leave. I had decided not to breastfeed my first baby, but for my second, Virginie had given me so much information about it while I was pregnant that I felt ready 🤰. But saying it and doing it are two different things.

👩‍⚕️ The birthing center does everything to help us, but the midwives and the pediatric nurses all come in with their own opinions, which of course are different. So I didn’t know what to do. Virginie is always available and incredibly attentive 💖. She guides me through each stage step-by-step. This unwavering support enabled me to confidently put together a nursing plan. I achieved what was so important to me thanks to her.

🌸 It’s postpartum guidance that’s unbelievably reassuring, and it feels amazing. So I only have one thing to say, and that’s thanks from the bottom of my heart, Virginie 🙏 and I recommend her to every mom!” 💕


A baby’s sense of hearing in utero.

🍼 Our Parents and Grandparents Thought That If a Baby Couldn’t Speak, It Couldn’t Understand! 🤔👶

🔬 Research has made huge strides in the last decade, and we now know that the building blocks of language begin in the womb.

🎶 The high frequencies of your speech are filtered by the amniotic fluid, while the low frequencies of your voice are transmitted through your body, especially the amniotic fluid.

👂 Your Baby Hears and Feels You!

🗣️ When you speak, your baby feels the vibrations of your voice’s low frequencies on their mouth and hands.

📅 As early as the 27th week, babies have been observed reacting to their mother’s voice, and they recognize it within an hour after birth!

💖 Bonding & Communication Begin Before Birth

👶 There is already a deep connection between you and your baby.

💭 Your baby reacts to your voice just as much as your thoughts!
Even when you think about them or just talk to them in your thoughts, they respond.

🩺 Scientists have measured this reaction through an accelerated heartbeat.

You are already communicating your emotions to your baby!

🤱 A bond is formed long before the first words are spoken.

Soulager pleurs de bébé

Childbirth can be a magical yet very difficult time for a mother.

🤱 After Nine Months of Carrying Your Baby, You May Feel Overwhelmed…

For months, you were at the center of attention, surrounded by love and care. But now, it feels like your baby has taken center stage.

💫 The physical changes of childbirth, exhaustion, emotions, and heightened sensitivity can all impact your relationship with your newborn.

And then comes the frequent feeling of guilt…

Why can’t I handle it?
Why don’t I feel that motherly instinct?
Why is my baby crying so much?

Moms & Newborns Need Support

Boston pediatrician Claudia Gold calls it psychological holding:

🗣️ “It is very important that you feel supported, understood, and heard so you can then bond with your baby.”

👶 But sometimes, the baby you imagined is not the one you are holding in your arms.

  • Your baby cries a lot, and you feel alone in caring for them. 😢
  • You’re struggling with feeding, making you feel fragile and helpless. 🍼
  • You’re crying a lot and feeling like you just can’t handle it.

⚠️ If your baby’s crying is stressing you out too much, remember—you are NOT alone. 💛 There’s no shame in talking about it or asking for help.

💔 When Baby’s Crying Feels Overwhelming

A difficult relationship with your baby can affect your entire family—your partner, children, and loved ones.

👩‍⚕️ When things don’t go well, you turn to the pediatrician for answers.
Oftentimes, it’s labeled as colic—defined as a baby crying uncontrollably for more than three hours a day, three days a week, for at least three weeks.

❗ But many pediatricians simply reassure you that crying is normal and check your baby’s physical health.

💬 They say: “Don’t worry, all babies cry…”
💭 And you start to feel even more lost and alone, with a crying baby and no real solution.

But crying is a form of suffering, and it makes you suffer too.
Hearing nonstop crying is overwhelming, exhausting, and emotionally draining.

🫂 You Deserve Support Without Guilt

💡 This is when guidance truly matters. You need a safe space to express your emotions without guilt.

🔸 You need to feel understood.
🔸 You need to feel supported.
🔸 You need real answers.

Many mothers struggle to share their feelings with their partner, mother, or even friendsfearing judgment or feeling like they’re failing.

Sometimes, outside support is the best solution 💛.
It allows you to express yourself freely, feel heard without fear, and find real solutions for you and your baby.