
A baby’s sense of hearing in utero.

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🍼 Our Parents and Grandparents Thought That If a Baby Couldn’t Speak, It Couldn’t Understand! 🤔👶

🔬 Research has made huge strides in the last decade, and we now know that the building blocks of language begin in the womb.

🎶 The high frequencies of your speech are filtered by the amniotic fluid, while the low frequencies of your voice are transmitted through your body, especially the amniotic fluid.

👂 Your Baby Hears and Feels You!

🗣️ When you speak, your baby feels the vibrations of your voice’s low frequencies on their mouth and hands.

📅 As early as the 27th week, babies have been observed reacting to their mother’s voice, and they recognize it within an hour after birth!

💖 Bonding & Communication Begin Before Birth

👶 There is already a deep connection between you and your baby.

💭 Your baby reacts to your voice just as much as your thoughts!
Even when you think about them or just talk to them in your thoughts, they respond.

🩺 Scientists have measured this reaction through an accelerated heartbeat.

You are already communicating your emotions to your baby!

🤱 A bond is formed long before the first words are spoken.

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