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Preparing for childbirth with HypnoBitthing®


All babies should come into the world in an atmosphere that’s calm, gentle, and joyous.

The HypnoBirthing® Method is designed to make childbirth free of stress, pain and fear in a gentle and calm setting.

HypnoBirthing will teach you to trust your body and your baby because they know what they need to do.
Giving birth is a natural and normal function for women.

This approach is based on preparing yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Through techniques of deep relaxation, breathing, visualization, affirmation, and body familiarization, you will be able to safely welcome your baby with total peace of mind.
You will learn to rid your mind of fear and stress, which cause your body tension and pain.

You will experience the magical moment of birth calmly and comfortably with your partner and your baby, with total control and joy.

This method gives you full control of your body and the power to take charge of your childbirth, as long as no special circumstances arise.

It’s a safe method for keeping moms and babies healthy during pregnancy.

The benefits of preparing for childbirth with HypnoBirthing®:

  • Conquers the fear that triggers tension and pain before, during, and after childbirth.
  • Reduces and often eliminates the need for chemical anesthetics, episiotomies, and other medical procedures.
  • Reduces fatigue during labor, and enables the mother to remain relaxed, alert, and full of energy while she’s giving birth.
  • Reduces cervical effacement and dilation by several hours so the mother can use her body’s natural rhythms to gently breathe her baby downward to crowning instead of exhausting herself pushing for ages. It reduces the risks of damaging the pelvic floor.
  • Fosters an amazing bond with your baby and birth partner before, during, and after the delivery.
  • The birth partner actively participates in the birth instead of just watching it.
  • You’ll totally minimize postnatal discomfort and the “baby blues”.
  • Babies adjust better and are happier, which results in better eating and sleeping habits.
  • No more risk of hyperventilating caused by shallow breathing.
  • See childbirth as a marvelous, peaceful and safe experience, as nature intended.

How the preparation classes are taught:

It’s best to take these preparation classes with your birth partner.
There are five weekly 2.5-hour classes, but they can spread out more depending on your due date.

You’ll receive the book HypnoBirthing®, The Marie Mongan Method and lots of tools throughout the classes to do the exercises and slowly get yourself ready to welcome your baby into the world without pain.

When should I start? In the fourth month of pregnancy.
Classes are taught one-on-one, or in small groups of two or three couples.

Please feel free to contact me for any additional information, or make an appointment!

Témoignages de mamans

Virginie a accompagné notre famille lors de ma 3e grossesse se basant sur la méthode hypnonaissance. Son approche très douce, apaisante et toujours positive nous a tous aidés à vivre très sereinement la grossesse, l’accouchement et l’arrivée de bébé. Virginie nous a apporté des techniques de relaxation...
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Virginie est fabuleuse, elle comprend et analyse très vite , les problèmes et le.mal être, elle a une voix apaisante relaxante, on se sent tellement mieux après avoir échangé avec elle, merci beaucoup pour votre écoute vos conseils précieux.
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Ayant vécu pour mon premier fils un accouchement très difficile et traumatisant suite à une PMA, j’ai souhaité pour ce deuxième accouchement mettre toutes les chances de mon côté afin qu’il se déroule au mieux et c’est la raison pour laquelle je me suis tournée vers Virginie sur les conseils de mon gy...
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